Acts 3:11 – 16

A man, blind from his birth, a man of much intellectual vigor, and with many engaging social qualities, found a woman who, appreciating his worth, was willing to cast in her lot with him and become his wife. Several bright, beautiful children became theirs, who tenderly and equally loved both their parents. An eminent French surgeon, while in this country, called upon them, and, examining the blind man with much interest and care, said to him: — "Your blindness is wholly artificial; your eyes are naturally good, and if I could have operated upon them twenty years ago, I think I could have given you sight. It is barely possible that I can do it now, though it will cause you much pain." "I can bear that," was the reply, "so you but enable me to see." The surgeon operated upon him and was gradually successful. First there were faint glimmerings of light then more distinct vision. The blind father was handed a rose; he had smelled one before but had never seen one. Then he looked upon the face of his wife, who had been so true and faithful to him; and then his children were brought, whom he had so often fondled, and whose charming prattle had so frequently fallen upon his ears.
Many of us have seen so called healing done by ministers but the healing is only temporary or in part needing help. Though this doctor is not claiming miraculous power just a correction of a physical defect, but many who do claim healing never really evidence it like the man heal by Peter. Luke describes this healing as “Perfect Soundness.” This is why I love the King James Bible. The language that it uses really challenges your mind from the normal rhetoric. This word in this derivation is only found once. It is often translated “whole.” In 1 Thess. 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and [I pray God] your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ). But it is translated entire in James 1:4 “But let patience have [her] perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” The Old testament use of this is often used in the negative. In Psa. 38:3 “[There is] no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger; neither [is there any] rest in my bones because of my sin.” And in Psa. 38:7 “For my loins are filled with a loathsome [disease]: and [there is] no soundness in my flesh.” These imperfection in mankind exists because of sin. Jesus produced the same kind of healing when he met a man born blind in John 9. John uses this miracle to prove that Jesus was the Messiah because he could change the effects upon man by a sinful world.
Luke introduces this idea in the early ministry of the Apostle revealing that they too were given power to provide for the sinful world hope for “Perfect Soundness.” The early ministry of Christ and the Apostle dealt with making the affliction of the flesh and body perfect only to give evidence of a greater healing that of the spiritual. The rift between God and man. The “Perfect Soundness” offered today is greatly related to his soul rather than flesh, but that is offered to those whom he chooses.
This “Perfect Soundness” is offered to those whom God’s messenger will carry the message (vs. 4). This man was begging for help and even though Peter and John were going to the temple to worship they took notice of him. The messenger of God sometimes forgets to whom they are to take their message. They are more interested in going to worship themselves, so they forget why they are going. We go to worship to get strengthen to carry the message. Even pass them up at the door of our worship center.
The “Perfect Soundness” is offered to those who will give attention to the messengers of God (vs. 5). The beggar didn’t know who Peter and John were, but when they took notice of him, he took notice of them. He new once they revealed that they saw him they were going to give him something. I must admit, if I am not planning to give someone I see on the corner “pan handling” as we call it, anything, I try not to look at them, because once I make eye contact, I am engaged with that person and I know I need to do something. If I don’t that image of them stays with me for a long time. We know if we try to engage people with gospel tracts, they ignore us. Some will even take a different route to avoid us, but if they give us their attention, we know they are looking for something and we should be prepared to give it.
The “Perfect Soundness” is offered for the purpose of giving “Glory’ to the Son of God (vs. 13). When a person that is infected with the diseases of the world is made whole the might and power of Jesus the savior is manifested, and he gets the glory. The Apostle were sure to point it out that the healing was not by any power of theirs, but that of the Son of God. We don’t save people. We only take the message, by the way we live, as those who have been “Made Whole,” and those who are dutiful of the same message.
The “Perfect Soundness” is received through faith in the name of the Son of God (vs. 16). This healing is not acquired by some great majestic effort by the receiver, but a simple child like faith. This faith is not that an inexhaustible knowledge, but that of a simple understanding of his NAME. Luke says, in verse 16 “And his name, through faith in his name, hath made this man strong. Matthew 1: 23 says, “His name shall be called Jesus because he shall save his people from their sins.” Acts 4:12 says, “Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is no other name under heaven given among men, hereby we must be saved.” Acts 13:39 says,” And by him all that believe are justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses.” This man and faith in this man can acquire for anyone whole seeks “Perfect Soundness,” “complete healing,” from the ailments place upon them. It has been made available, and it has been made accessible to any and for any who will avail themselves of it.